Thursday, February 1, 2007

Bible Beginings

As my friend and mentor John says, "We live in an age of pervasive unbelief", an age in which we think we can "discover" anything if we simply look and try hard enough, or are genuinely sincere. We have convinced ourselves that if what I think, say, or do is right, no one can impose their judgements on me. Well I suppose we can do as we want, but it really makes no difference what we think, say, or do for it is God and God alone who will do His good pleasure despite how hard we try or how sincere we are. It then leaves us with a question to ask ourselves; What is God's will and His good pleasure? Knowing the answers to this question will enable us to have understanding. I want to put out truth from God's Word in a plain and simple way for someone who has never been taught how we are to approach God, not with my ways but what He has plainly revealed in His Word. This is primarily directed at believers, we simply must have certain convictions, without them we will simply be drifting and easily deceived and confused. Basically ineffective in our witness, and we won't experience joy in the Lord!

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